Monday, February 2, 2009

The steelers won..

I don't have much to talk about today, not much went on in the world today..

Everyone's been talking about Michael Phelps taking a bong hit. Strangely enough I've heard this multiple times; "Michael Phelps took a bong hit and he's the most in-shape person in the world! It must be performance enhancing." Michael Phelps being in his twenty's and everyone being surprised that he took a bong hit is surprising to me because it shouldn't be surprising. Parents, if you think your kid hasn't smoked weed, you are delusional, or have the best child in the world, who is very stressed out. That being said, I don't smoke weed. But if your a parent and your afraid your child is going to smoke weed because he saw his hero, Michael Phelps do it then you don't have a shot because your child is the most easily swayed person on the planet.

And what a game last night, I mean, I've seen better but last nights super bowl was amazing. It was just ups and downs the entire night. One of the things I have to ask though; What was with all of the Arizona Cardinal penalties? It was like they were calling every little thing. I'm surprised that when fitzgerald scored a touchdown they didn't call him for jumping too high and grabbing the ball with both hands. "Automatic first down pittsburg."
"but It's the cardinals ball!"
"Oh doesn't matter, first down!"
It was crazy. That being said, It was an awesome game, congratulations to the steelers.

Then of course there's the ads. The ads were kind of weak this year. You had the go daddy hey chicks have really big boobs thing, pepsi doing their we dont know how to harness the internet thing. But probably the best commercial was the transformers trailor. Just got me all pumped. Even a little moist ^^

On wednesday a doctor told the nurse this boy needed an incision because he needed an absess removed from him mouth. But the nurse heard, he needs a circumcision. So she sniped the boy. And I have to ask, if your that boy and you need something done to your mouth and someone asks you to take off your pants you should at least wonder. I think it should just be a rule in hospitals that you have to double check anytime it deals with the "down low." That being said, hospital probably did him a favour - just saying.

Mondays question of the day is what was your favorite super bowl ad. Well guys that's all for today so remember;

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1 comment:

  1. my favorite ad was the one for go where the chick says "...Enhanced!!! I'll show you enhanced"
    hey robert check out my latest and (in my opinion) greatest post.
